Archive for the ‘General News’ Category

Sooooo Busy!

Monday, June 30th, 2008

Disney Queues

Everything is completely rammed down here for the Independence Day holidays. If you are on your way down then prepare yourself to be doing alot of queueing at the parks. Make sure you have plenty of water and plenty of good humor as it could get ugly out there.

By the way, if you own a vacation rental and you are not full, get in touch as I might be able to help out.

London Eye for Orlando

Thursday, June 26th, 2008

Something else to see when you stay in  a VRBooker Vacation Rental.

Another attraction for Orlando. This is why the area is the number one for tourists and the only place to be booking out quality vacation rentals. (Did you spot the really subtle link there.) There are just so many people wanting to bring newer and more exciting attractions to the place.

If this wheel gets the go ahead it is going to be fantastic!

SEO Pack

Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Apparantly, now I have installed this, my site is going to be the top of every vacation rental search. So everyone else, you may as well give up now. Go to the beach, have a good time and revel in the fact your lowly Google ranking has given you so much free time.

Oh, if it was that easy…….

Hosting Disaster Resolved Somewhat

Thursday, June 12th, 2008

After the hosting disaster of last week I have at long last worked out a workaround until I can get all my domains back in one place. So welcome to the new home of VRBooker (The best vacation rental guy you will ever have.)

I have listed two new properties on HomeAway this week, a condo at Windsor Hills and a lovely spacious four bed on Sunset Ridge.

Hopefully the week will now progress in an orderly fashion……… but I doubt it.